Below you will find the answers to many frequently asked question. If you find you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Department of 居住生活 by calling 601.877.6478 or (电子邮件保护).

A: pg电子游戏试玩 has a Mandatory on campus residency requirement.

  • 所有21岁以下的全日制学生,如果在学期第一天上课之前完成了59个或更少的学时,并且没有住在大学40英里半径内父母或法定监护人的主要住所,则必须住在校园里并参加膳食计划.
  • Attaining the age requirement does not void the contractual agreements made for housing; provided, 然而, 在下一个春季学期的第一天上课之前年满21岁的学生可以申请一学期的住房合同/进一步规定,21岁以下的学生在第一学期满意地完成了60个或更多的学时,可以从第二学期的住房合同中释放.
  • A nonrefundable application fee is required before the application can be processed. 至少服役两年的退伍军人学生不受这些住房要求的限制. A married student, living with his/her spouse is exempted from these housing requirements. 如果单亲父母的子女与他们同住,他们也可以不受这些住房要求的限制.
  • Students meeting the 40-mile radius must complete the Permission to Live Off Campus Form. 此表格必须由学生、家长或法定监护人、公证人签署并加盖公证人印章.

A: We encourage you to make your residence hall room as cozy and comfortable as possible. This can be done by bringing curtains, rugs, pictures, posters. 电视站, small couches or chairs (希兰狂欢 John Burrus, 女性荣誉和学生护理 ONLY), 书架, 箱包, 灯或冰箱(6立方英尺), 最大). 你也可以带上你的电视, 立体声, DVD播放器, 游戏系统,闹钟或个人电脑(台式或笔记本电脑),以帮助美化你的房间. If you like you can also bring an air popcorn popper, rice cooker, or coffee pot. Please note that microwaves and refrigerators are only permitted in John Burrus, 希兰狂欢, 女性荣誉和学生护理. 谁住过Medgar Wiley Evers Heritage Village Complex,是否推荐.

A: The following items are not allowed in the residence hall: halogen lamps, 乔治·福尔曼烧烤, 烤面包机, 蜡烛和香, 装饰酒精瓶, 热板, 用砂锅, 烤箱, 三明治制造商, 任何种类的煎锅, lava lamps and microwaves (if you live in the Medgar Wiley Evers Heritage Village Complex).

A: You are not allowed to have cooking items, 比如上面列出的那些, in any of the residence hall due to fire safety.

A:不,你没有宵禁. When you arrive on campus you are issued a student ID card (Gold Card). 这张卡将作为你宿舍的钥匙,允许你随意出入. There is 然而, a visitation policy for the residence halls. Students and guest must follow the visitation policy can be found in the 学生手册.

A:是的,如果你住在校园里的宿舍,你需要购买一份膳食计划. Meal plan changes can only be changed before the start of each semester. After registration has been completed meal plans can’t be changed.

A: All assignments are made and mailed out around the first week of July. 如果你有室友要求, 请确保你和你的室友都向我们的办公室提出了要求. No roommate request will be granted unless both you and your roommate request each other.

A: No there are many free amenities for you to enjoy while living in the residence hall. 其中一些包括有线电视, 互联网, 电, 水, movie channel and entertainment in the form of RA programs. Laundry facilities are located in each residence hall; 学生 must have money on their Gold Card in order to use the facilities.

A:你的第一步是和你的室友谈谈:你的问题很可能源于缺乏沟通. If that does not work, you are encouraged to visit with your RA about the problem. 你的室友可以帮助你和你的室友制定一个共同生活的指导方针. 如果你仍然不能与你的室友相处,你可以去找你的RD换房间.

A: Room changes are available after the close of the registration process. 如果需要换房间,您需要在搬家前联系外派协调员并完成所有必要的文件.

答:如果在一个学期中有一段时间你需要低于全日制学生(12小时)的要求, you may be required to move out of the residence halls. 在某些情况下,你可以获得住宿生活主任的特别许可,留在校园宿舍. Dropping below 12 hours per semester has severe consequences. 你可能也想和财政援助办公室核实一下,看看它会如何影响你的学生账户.

答:如果您遗失了金卡,您可以到WWACB一楼金卡管理员办公室补办. 更换需要支付25美元的费用.

如果您发现自己处于需要帮助的情况,您可以联系您的RA RD或区域协调员, residence life staff is on call 24 hours a day. We may also contact the ASU Police Department at 3000 in case of an emergency.

答:如果您的房间有问题,您可以在收到您的请求后向您的宿舍管理员或客房管理员提交维修请求, they will report the problem to the Facilities Management for repair.

A: If your roommate moves out or doesn’t show up, don’t worry. 我们会把你和另一个需要室友的人合并在一起,或者你可以要求你认识的人搬来和你一起住,或者支付一个单独的房间.

A: It is not uncommon for 学生 to lose the key to their room. 如果这发生在你身上, immediately contact your RD so that that they may have the lock changed to your room. 您需要到商务办公室支付换锁费用,然后将付款收据带到住宿生活办公室进行处理.

A: An RA is a student leader that lives on your floor or in your building. They are the first person that you should talk to if you have a problem. RA可以帮助你做很多事情,比如设置房间电话的语音信箱,报告可能出现的任何维护问题. The RA is also there if you have questions about campus resources, 你需要找个人谈谈, or if you are having problems with your roommate. It is very important for you to know your RA, as they are your closet link to the university. After all, they’ve been in your shoes at ASU and know the ropes.

答:宿舍管理员是受过专门训练的专业人员,负责宿舍的管理和日常运作. Your RD lives in the building with the student and is there to help when needed. RD是宿舍助理和大楼前台人员的直接主管.

A: Area Coordinators are full-time professionals who live in the residence halls. 他们负责在宿舍里创造一个环境,以支持住宿学生的学业成功. 区域协调员是RD的直接主管,负责宿舍的日常管理.
A:在宿舍里有很多事情可以做,我们鼓励你参与进来. 你所在楼的RA工作人员将为你提供整个学期的活动. If there is something that you like to do or would like to learn more about, talk to your RA. They have the resources to plan an activity around your idea. Each hall also has a Hall Council that is supervised by professional staff. 在与住宿生活部门沟通时,大厅理事会充当大楼及其居民的声音. 大厅委员会计划有趣的活动,以帮助在大楼的居民中建立大厅自豪感.

A: Yes, you need a phone in your room. 你房间里的电话通常是宿舍生活人员与你联系的电话. You are provided with a phone line in your room at no charge.

答:Medgar Wiley Evers Heritage Village Complex是唯一拥有无线功能的宿舍.